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Getting Started

Get the app

Elysium is currently only available for iOS. You can find the application by searching for it in the App Store. It is tagged under the category of Graphics and Design. Simply download the app and let it install on whichever iOS device you are using, whether it's an iPhone or an iPad.

Download Elysium for iOS here:

Download Elysium in the app store


Play + Imagine (Demo mode)

Anyone with the app installed on their device can use the demo mode. This allows users to explore the rudimentary functions of Elysium. With a limited library of free assets to choose from, users can explore how assets can be placed into physical locations. In this mode, users cannot create, save, or share scenes.

Explore + Discover (Player mode)

With this mode, you have the opportunity to browse and navigate through captivating AR worlds, all made possible by utilizing geolocated scenes. As a player, you can view and engage with user-created AR scenes, putting yourself right in the midst of the action. Experience live stories and interactive adventures that unfold in real-time at various locations. Capture the magic and share your memorable experiences with others through captivating photos or videos. Additionally, by signing up, you gain the ability to save your progress and interactions, ensuring that you can continue your journey exactly where you left off. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable AR adventure filled with exploration, engagement, and the power of presence.

Create + Share (Creator mode)

In this mode, you have the power to own and shape your very own private library of AR experiences and digital assets. Dive into the endless possibilities as you build immersive worlds within worlds, crafting unique and captivating environments. With the ability to design stories and create engaging experiences, you can bring your imagination to life and captivate your audiences. Add interactivity and gamification elements to make your AR worlds even more thrilling and engaging for your users. Once you've created your masterpiece, easily share it with your audiences, allowing them to embark on their own remarkable journeys through your creations. Whether you're an artist, storyteller, or game designer, the Creator mode provides you with the tools and platform to showcase your talent and share your imaginative creations with the world.

Create an account

Once the application has been installed on your device, tap on the Elysium icon to open it up. You should be taken to a sign-up screen that allows you create an account with us. Tap the sign up button and fill out the information on the following screen. You have the option of creating a username so that other people using the app know who you are and what scenes you have created. You will be asked to sign up using an email, as well as create a password for yourself that is at least 8 characters long. Once this information has been provided, you should be sent an email asking you to confirm your registration. Once confirmed, your account should be set up and you can begin to explore with Elysium.

Create with ELYSIUM: Build your first scene

Once your account has been set up and you’ve opened the application, you should see three main windows that you can access by scrolling from right to left.

Window 1:

In this window, you can see the worlds that you have already created and start to create new worlds. In the bottom of the window is a search icon that allows you to see a map of your location. In this map, you can see all the other scenes that have been created in your area.

Window 2:

In this window, once you have selected one of the worlds in your library, you have access to more details about your world -- including metadata and a list of scenes within that world. If you tap on "Edit & view scenes", you will navigate to a global map with a pin indicating your location. To view all the scenes in your world, swipe the bottom panel up and then swipe through the cards in order to move through your scenes. If you are within the geofence of your scene, a button on the bottom of the map will display the name of the scene in green. Tapping on this button will allow you to enter AR. In this window, you also have the option to create a new scene, edit scene settings and publish your scene. (NOTE: your scene can only be published is the parent world is published! Otherwise, the scene will remain as a draft.)

Window 3:

This window is your asset library. It allows you to add assets from your iOS device (Objects, Audio, and Images) to your library, choose from assets you have already uploaded, or browse from Elysium’s free asset collections.

Your asset library and adding new assets

Once you've successfully set up your account, your first task is to get digital assets in your library. These can be 2D, 3D, audio, or video. Swipe right to the library page and you will have two options: to browse in your files of your device or to browse the collections online.

If you choose to upload an asset from your device, you've got two options: uploading from your files or from your photo library. Select your preferred asset and click through the options to assign it a name, copyright terms, and optional attributes such as URL and meta tags.

If you browse from the collections online, select the collection you want to download from your files or your photos and finally agree to copyright terms.

Create your first World

To create your first world, begin by ensuring that you have the necessary assets in your library. Once you have everything prepared, swipe all the way left to the "My Worlds" page. Click on the "+ New" button on the top of the screen. Next, select a cover image for your world by tapping on "Select Cover Image" and choosing the desired image from your photo library. Give your world a title, and if you wish, you can also include a description (although this step is optional). Finally, click on "Create world," and voilà! Your first world is now created, and you're all set to start building.

Create your first Scene

Start by selecting a world from the available options. Once you've made your selection, tap on the button that says "Edit and view scenes" and select "Create New Scene" or the "+" button. You will now have access to a global map with a pin indicating your current location. To establish a geo-fence for your scene, draw a square by tapping four points around the desired area of your scene. (Keep in mind that you must be located within the bounds of the scene in order to enter AR). If you mess up, you can start over. When you're done, tap the "Create scene" button to proceed. At this point, you should see an "Untitled" green button. Select it to enter AR mode and begin creating your scene.

Entering AR as a Creator

The Marker

A marker is a physical feature that lies within the bounds of your scene that you will use as a positional anchor for your experience.

Our system uses markers to register the digital world and match it up with physically positioned objects in the world around you.

Choosing a Marker

In order to calibrate your AR canvas, you will be prompted to move your device to start. Select “new marker” to begin. When the system detects a valid marker, you should see a white rectangle appear on-screen. Click on the green button to confirm your choice. You should now see a green orb (this is what we call the “node”). It is now possible to add assets to your scene using the “add asset” button.

Tips for choosing a Marker

Our system uses 2D images as markers. You should aim to choose a marker that is positioned flat against a wall or surface, for example a mounted poster or painting.

  • Avoid shiny or reflective images

  • Choose a marker that will be accessible

  • Choose a marker that will have stable/even lighting conditions

The Node

The node is the virtual indicator of the placement of your asset within the bounds you have already set using the markers. It appears as a small green orb, you can drag and drop it on any surface within your range, allowing it to act as an exact location reference for your scene. Any assets you place in the scene will be linked to the node.

Place an Object

First, enter a node while in AR - you’ll know you’re inside a node when you see the glowing green orb. Then, tap “add asset” to select an asset from your personal library that you wish to place in your scene. Next, tap anywhere within the node to place your object, ensuring it aligns with your desired placement. The selected object will then be loaded and seamlessly attached to the surface plane on which it was placed, instantly becoming a part of your AR experience.

Positioning an Object

Begin by tapping on the object you wish to adjust. There are two ways to adjust the position of your object:

Direct manipulation

  • 1 Finger displacement: Moving the object along and across the surface plane it was placed on.
  • 2 Finger displacement: Moving your fingers up and down will displace the object above or below the plane.
  • 2 Finger rotation: Will rotate the object around its center and horizontally in parallel to the plane

Gizmo positioning

  • Outer ring rotation: Will rotate the object around its center and vertically from your current AR view perspective.
  • Rolling the trackball: Will allow for free rotation around the center of the object.

Configuration panel

The configuration panel is located at the bottom in the window while in creator mode, and is made visible once the creator has successfully placed a node. From left to right, the panel is laid out as follows:


Here is where you can manage your scene markers. In this tab, you are able to add or remove a marker.


In this tab, you can add assets to your scene from your own personal library.

Preview/Player view mode

As a creator you can toggle the view mode to test your scenes in Player mode.



Add Interactivity + Behaviors

Play + Test in Real-time

Elysium allows you to build and re-arrange scenes spontaneously. If you have set up an interactive scene that uses some of our immersive features, you can test their effects immediately before you publish your scene.

Publishing + Sharing